Draw me Notre Dame

You can discover on the palisades of the construction site of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris the drawings of children expressing their feelings about the fire that took place in April 2019. The purpose of this campaign is for children to show the church they know or imagine.


This operation was set up by the diocese of Paris and the public institution responsible for the conservation and restoration of the cathedral which received 6,000 drawings and words from all over the world. During this exhibition you will find 60 drawings. At anytime, during a walk you can follow the outdoor route and experience the emotion through the vision of these children.


Come and see this budding artist exhibition that has been visible since June 6, 2020.


Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris
6 parvis Notre Dame - Place Jean-Paul II
75004 Paris 4

Métro :

Hôtel de ville

Maubert-Mutualité / Cluny - La Sorbonne

RER B et C :

Saint Michel - Notre-Dame

Bus : 21, 27, 38, 47, 75, 87, 96

Quick Response Code